WWWStat4Mac. The ideal companion to httpd4Mac,WebStar, or a UNIX or PC Webserver.
"One of the most feature packed log analysers available on the internet today"

WWWStat4Mac Quick Start.

This is just a very quick way of getting the application up and running so that you can see what it can do.
  1. Copy the file WWWStat4Mac Prefs to the Preferences Folder in the System Folder on your mac hard disk.
  2. Drag the sample log file onto the WWWStat4Mac application.
  3. After the initial message about registering WWWStat4Mac you should see a dialog box appear as the file gets processed. This will take between a few seconds or a few minutes depending on the speed of your machine :-)
  4. When asked to save the file chose a name and save it to disk
  5. Finally a file called statistics.html (or whatever you called it) should have been produced.
  6. Open the file using your favourite web-browser to see the finished product.
  7. Read the preferences file by opening it with your favourite text editor, to find out what all of the options do.
| Intro | Quick Start | General Info | Registration | History | Reference | FAQ's. | Customise | Download | Thanks |

This file last modified on 5-Oct-96 at 11:25 pm by Peter Hardman.